Figure 1.16 is one example where the display issues make the figure almost useless. Biology was very comprehensive in its covering of general biology topics and the "Link to Learning" feature allows the learner to expand the concept. Naturally, other chapters addresses some scientific concepts which have unfortunately become politicized (evolution and anthropogenic climate change, for example), which may be alienating to some students. The coloration of these figures should also be improved for contrast. The textbook covers all of the major topics that I address in a year of non-majors biology. I enjoyed that throughout the chapter, there were little blurbs relating the material being discussed to a potential experiment, a human disease, or thought questions. Furthermore, in a classroom of 300 students, I probably have 3-12 gender-non-conforming students who feel that statements such as these deny their existence, causing them to readily give up on "science." read more. The scientific information provided in this text is very accurate. While not in detail, most of the material covered gives the reader a basic understanding of various biological processes. In a book of this size, I would expect there to be lots of mistakes, so I was pleased at how mistake-free this is. All of the websites mentioned in the text do make me a little nervous. The book is divided into subsections, each of which contain several chapters relevant to that topic, and chapters are further broken down into subunits. 8DE rPreK4\53msL-8UWPY9l*,0yZ!i0%B68om@qF8g eI8 It covers all the topics in sufficient detail for the student to succeed. In chapter 42, both B and T cells play significant roles in immune responses. I also like the connections to diet and nutrition throughout Chapters 2 4. There are a few errata, but they were mostly grammatical errors. Figure numbers are in an orange/brown and stand out (easy to find). Occasionally a link to a video is not available but that is the nature of any online content and instructor should prepare to handle it accordingly. The index and glossary are fine. After having used the book for majors biology course for the last 4 semester, I have pleased to say that I content is simple yet efficient and effective. Difficult terms are defined in a "Key Terms" section. GitHub openstax / cnx-recipes Public Notifications Fork 14 Star 5 Code Issues 81 Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights New issue then you must include on every digital page view the following attribution: Use the information below to generate a citation. Reviewed by Emma Murray, Instructor (Biology for majors), Aims Community College on 7/23/19, Overall this text covers each topic in adequate detail and provides enough detail and content for a two semester coverage of biology for majors, especially if this text is used alongside additional instructor input and labs. Webquestions biology 2e openstax biology 2e openstax staar biology answer key paper 2022 release texas kcet 2023 questions concepts of biology openstax kvs answer key 2023 released download omr sheet textbook answers gradesaver Aug Colored images work better for the students since I emphasize that is publisher is paying more for the color it must be important. This is very helpful from a students point-of-view, as they can try to find the pertinent information for whatever question they are trying to answer. Others are not as worthwhile, and may even solidify commonly believed biological myths. It's hard to say how quickly these current examples will become obsolete, but this would be a problem with any textbook that uses current examples. The career connection sections are a great addition to the book. OpenStax is part of Rice University, which is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Is able to cover aspects of biology very well. The sequence of topics covered, the organization of content within chapters, and each chapters ending with a list of key terms, a summary and questions contribute to the book's clarity. In some cases, the inconsistencies appear to be associated with oversimplification. Presentation is straightforward, but I find that supplementing with additional web based teaching While other recent textbooks also have taken this approach, it is important that we move forward and write textbooks that are consistent with what is well known now about evolutionary history. Given the fact the book is written by a variety of authors in different subject areas, I found the book's consistency to be quite impressive. biology astronomy physics Each section has a Glossary but I could not identify a Glossary for the whole text. The grammar in this text is excellent. The structure and formatting of the text allows for the students to build up a set of habits over time if used properly. More recent genomic analysis has identified cephalochordates as the most basal chordates. In Figure 45.10, there is no such thing as the carrying capacity of seals. There is not much to say here. From Flowering: Circadian rhythm biology, Photoperiod detection, ABC model. I'm also not clear if students would have access to the answers for the review questions as I couldn't find it. Second half an easily be taught out of order while keeping the integrity of the textbook order. There are numerous areas that could be improved, but none that I have seen that stand out as warranting complaint. I noted quite a few examples of out of date terminology and concepts. The content, as least in the chapters I cover, is extremely similar to my current Having a downloadable online text allows me and others the ability to adjust light intensity and size easily on the monitor. With the downloaded pdf or (I am assuming) the printed text version, the glossary comes at the end of the chapter. These bonds, along with hydrogen bonds, help form the three-dimensional structure of the proteins in our cells that is necessary for their proper function. In fact, interactions between R-groups on amino acids are more important than Van der Waals attractions in stabilizing 3D structure in proteins. Specialized terms are introduced (in bold) and defined, and examples are provided. If xenon has an atomic number of 54 and a mass number of 108, how many neutrons does it have? As my class has a focus on biotechnology, this will be the first time it is included in a 'general use' textbook. In Chapter 18, the text only includes the biological species concept, with no discussion of its weaknesses or limitations. I am writing this review of the genetics unit from Biology 2e (chapters 11-17) in the context of potentially using this book for an introductory level, one semester genetics course for majors. This explanation on page 58 is overly simplified: So how do the cells of the stomach survive in such an acidic environment? I looked over the major sections that I regularly teach (chapters 1-16) and I didnt run into any inaccurate information. On page 242, the discussion of CAM and C4 photosynthesis is far too brief. - Many figures appear blurry in the pdf version of the text. One very serious weakness of this text is the art: the figures, the animations, and the Art Connection features. Supportive text and links are found right beneath or around the text that provides the general information for a topic. That said, it isn't particularly cutting edge, either in terms of content, or in its approach to teaching. I found it had enough depth for a majors course while being accessible for non-majors. WebPANOPEN + OPENSTAX BIOLOGY ACCESS CODE 17th Edition ISBN: 9781944519766 BIOLOGY 2E 2nd Edition ISBN: 9781506699851 BIOLOGY 13th Edition ISBN: 2810017676413 BIOLOGY FOR AP COURSES (OER) 17th Edition ISBN: 9781947172401 EBK BIOLOGY 2nd Edition ISBN: 9781947172524 Homework Help by Science Subjects I saw no evidence of any navigation problems, all the displays looked clear and adequate. I did notice a few grammatical errors, but it wasn't terrible. Or take this example, If the solute levels increase beyond a certain range, a hormone releases that slows water loss. It seems that what the authors intended to convey is that a hormone is released that slows water loss, and this may be perfectly obvious to a well-informed reader. Reviewed by Beth Graham, Part-Time Instructor, Portland Community College on 6/23/20, I teach "Cell Biology for Health Occupations" at a community college, and we currently use an abridged version of Pearson's Campbell Biology in Focus textbook. The search feature worked well, and the table of contents was easy to navigate. I did not notice anything culturally insensitive or offensive. My concerns over the writing are more about clarity and consistency (as described in those sections of the review) than technical usage. The book downloads easily, and can be viewed and searched online easily. Thats because, we at the Vending Service are there to extend a hand of help. However, these errors are minimal for a 1500+ page text. Additionally, with the online version, students could see what unit, chapter, and subsection they were within, as it becomes highlighted in the table of contents at the top. But I'll need student feedback to assess whether it reads clearly to students. then you must include on every digital page view the following attribution: Use the information below to generate a citation. We found both the online book and pdf to be easy to navigate and especially appreciated the online versions expandable table of contents panel that allows for easy navigations across chapters. There are also chapter summaries and review sections at the end of every chapter. (Rosalind Franklin deserves a photo next to Crick and Watson.) The text is very consistent in terms of terminology and framework. The labeling is not clear in many figures, the font type is distracting, labels have shadows, and they are distorted or blurry. The text is clear and well-written, and defines key terminology on first use. I liked the clarity of this text. Images of structures and processes are clear and useful, and this section is limited mostly by the comparatively strong focus on mammalian and human physiology. While the authors/publisher did not create the video, they are responsible for it being embedded in the textbook. Some of the chapter introductions could use improvement. Links. 12.7 needed to show red, white and pink phenotypes. In this review, we focus on the textbook units (cell biology, genetics, physiology) that align with the specific topics we teach in the first and second semesters of introductory biology for science majors. the study of living organisms and their interactions with one another and their environments. R0Et|K1gk(XEM%vxy8M17. The textbook also offers access to a variety of Learning Resources and various real world Connection sub-topics that are highly useful and complemented the material provided in each chapter. Both online and .pdf versions have links embedded in the Table of Contents, making it easy to skip around through the book as needed. Overall, I found this chapter to be of high quality. d. the degree of inbreeding in a population I attended Louisiana Tech this summer for BISC 130 132 and the prof used Openstax. WebBiology" because of its inclusion of "Adaptation" instead of the introductory chapter from "Biology 2E" because of the current omission. The language of the text is at a reasonable level for an intro biology course for majors or non-majors. Definitely share, Im in that group. After reading the first few chapters students will know what to expect from future chapters. This is commonly a distraction that is minimized in this textbook. The first forms of life on Earth were ________. Reviewed by Samuel Flaxman, Associate Professor, University of Colorado Boulder on 6/11/20, The PDF of the text is over 1500 pages in length, making it very long (by print standards). Im used to seeing A&P chapters laid out from an evolutionary perspective (e.g. Students will be confused and uncertain how the two strands are represented. Finally, each chapter has review questions, both multiple choice and short answer (critical thinking). I found it had enough depth for a majors course while being accessible for non-majors. The text book covered all the chapters I would assign for first semester General Biology course at the college level (Molecules to Cells). As with any science textbook, periodic revisions will be necessary for many of the units. Reading this textbook was remarkably easy and smooth which is much different than the textbooks I remember reading for general biology when I was an undergraduate. As is typical, some of the video does not have captioning so every video does not allow full accessibility. Was very standard but very little in the way of main themes. I fe. I could see having to recreate a few key figures to use this textbook. Reviewed by Chris Pantazis, Assistant Professor of Biology, John Tyler Community College on 3/24/20, All areas of introductory biology were covered. Often these links provide cutting edge insight into both the research and application to make the concept interesting and plausible to the viewer. The chemistry of life and macromolecules in biology have to be discussed before gene regulation which itself has to precede the various organ systems. The reviewer has no issues with the grammar used in this textbook. Overall, this book provides what I need content-wise for my introductory courses. The figures are simplistic, which for some topics is helpful like meiosis, but in other cases I think more details in the figure would be helpful. Not sure this is a major hang up, just something I noticed. The relevance of this textbook is and will be fantastic, as new examples can be addressed in a relatively short period of time, keeping the text fresh and relevant. New stomach cells are constantly produced to replace dead ones, which are digested by the stomach acids. I have found the writing clear and easy to read. The writing style is easy to read and is well written for the freshman/sophomore level. We focus on clientele satisfaction. The authors do a great job of this important aspect. This is a shame and could wind up creating misconceptions about the current study of animal behavior. Topic completely missing from the book or coverage is so poor it is unusable, in my analysis were: I greatly appreciated how the text explained scientific concepts in ways that students would be able to understand. The PDF of the text is over 1500 pages in length, making it very long (by print standards). WebCh. The textbook is written in a clear language, easy to understand by freshmen students. read more. Although there were some minor figure errors which I did not find in the traditional textbook, there was effectively no difference in accuracy. The text does not dive into the controversy, merely puts forward the biological information as it should. Weballosteric inhibition. Many biology textbooks seem to be set up this way and I think this organization makes the material flow well. The online version features a side menu table of contents with a drop-down option for each unit and chapter, so that one can navigate to individual chapter sections. I have cited a few examples In fig 2.19, human blood should be included in the pH scale. There are a few things that pervade the text that I take issue with. Organization is appropriate and is adaptable for the specifics of individual course requirements. There is a bit of redundancy when talking about amino acid structure, as every time amino acids are mentioned, there is also the mention of the amino group and carboxyl group. While the overall clarity is good, the use of jargon in places could be confusing to students. There are two errors on page 125: Have you ever noticed that when you bite into a raw vegetable, like celery, it crunches? To be fair, all previous texts I have used have had this same student issue because that content is challenging for anyone unfamiliar with Biology. Many students imagine that diffusion explains the spread of molecules of dye in a beaker of water or the movement of molecules of scent in a room and this example feeds this misconception. Mostly written in a clear efficient style, but some chapters had organizational problems (see above). This depth is supplemented by online materials which were not offered by the traditional textbook. I was disappointing to see that Dr. Rosalind Franklin did not get a little more ink and perhaps a photo. In contrast to some introductory biology textbooks that focus almost exclusively on humans, this text consistently includes examples from all three domains of life, making the content more applicable to students with interests in different areas of biology. The textbook is comprehensive; the extent and depth of the topics and concepts covered are at the level required in an introductory course for biology majors. However, some topics at least for a genetics class, I believe do not have enough detail (examples gene expression, sequencing). You can just click on the links, they are google doc files. Which of the following sciences is not considered a natural science? For example, the terrestrial biomes section on temperate forests has some information that is omitted and therefore is misleading. Easy to navigate the contents list, especially when downloaded as PDF, and very easy to switch from one section to another. P.459 I think linkage maps belong elsewhere. The book is comprehensive and suitable for use in a 2-semester (year long) college-level biology/science majors general biology sequence. Also, some of these basic concepts are essential to build upon as the student reads through the text. As no comprehensive textbook like this is ever completely error-free despite the best of intentions, I am sure there are some inadvertent mistakes. They are generally uniform in length, although some subsections are longer or shorter than others depending on the topic. 7. This can contribute to the development of a feeling of coherence and purpose, so making the learning experience more meaningful and engaging. Given that this is a text for two semester introductory sequence in biology for undergraduates, it appears to be very comprehensive. Some are terrific, and worth a student spending time there to better understand the material. I did not find any issues with the interface, and especially liked the option of reading it online. I have not found any errors within the text. Because there is so much information to cover in the Introductory Biology survey courses, it is helpful to organize the text in this way so students are not overwhelmed. My main issues with the text are that evolution is not covered in enough detail at the start of the text and that the book could be laid out in a way that made the text more accessible, i.e. I prefer to have more evolution covered in the first 2 chapters but it is just as easy to jump to chapter 19 to harvest enough info to inform the rest of the cell biology chapters. Which of the following sciences is not considered a natural science? Additionally, there is a lack of images of people in the text, so I supplement the information presented with "scientist spotlights" to highlight diverse scientists in the wide range of careers available with a Biology degree. If the instructor resources, including test bank, projectable images/slides and interactive tools are of the same quality as the text book itself, I fully endorse it. Would it be possible to move the image credits to an Appendix at the end of the text? Further, labeling of figure components is often too small and borderline blurry. Which type of bond represents a weak chemical bond? For instance, in the cell reproduction chapter, the metaphase, anaphase, and telophase sections are each described using just 3 sentences. Cloud Technical and Community College on 4/11/17, This text book is as comprehensive as the McGraw Hill and Pearson texts that we have been using. The listing of key words with definitions at the end of each chapter is a useful feature, since students can reference key words for that specific chapter easily and quickly. Content did not seem culturally insensitive or offensive. Females possess two X chromosomes while males possess one X and one Y chromosome." For example, I would introduce DNA structure, replication, central dogma and gene expression (chapters 14-16) before classical genetics (chapter 12), and I think that would work fine with the way this text is written. The variation of individuals within a species is due to genetic factors, environmental factors, and their interactions. Images, tables, and boxes were all presented well and without distortion. The text contains few grammatical and spelling errors. I'ld like to see some deeper discussions into current topics such as CRISPR and other Biotechnology related concepts, although discussions around genomics was sufficient. Reviewed by Mark Wagner, Instructor/Life Sciences, Portland Community College on 1/10/21, The text integrates in-depth concepts over a broad range of topics. This is especially important at my institution where our introductory sequence for life science majors consists of two free-standing semester-long courses: Organismal and Ecological Biology; and Cellular and Molecular Biology. This is a strength of the text, considerably easier to use in that way that most texts I have examined. I think, well, hope, that this attention to clarity of language will allow students to more readily grasp the concepts without becoming mired in the weeds of jargon. read more. These details will inevitably be explored more deeply as students progress through their program of study. The topics are relevant to cover in an introductory biology college at an undergraduate institution. The art is well done and has clear images that are well labeled. Also, the degree of taxonomic detail given for clades varied seemingly at random. This is likely a consequence of using open-access images rather than art created specifically for a textbook. Good to have a glossary at the end of each chapter but the definitions could have more depth and research. Content Depth: A- The student can use references to look up additional material. 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