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"name":"Surburban Collection Showplace", east. "description":"Grand Rapids Gun & Knife Show will be held on Jun 10th - 11th, 2023 in Grand Rapids, MI. [ } . "address":{ "contactPoint":[ { { Venue: Northern Center, 7784 Stone School Rd Houghton Lake MI 48629. "name":"Taylor Town Gun Show", "description":"Jackson Gun & Knife Show will be held on Aug 26th - 27th, 2023 in Jackson, MI. ], "name":"Sport Shows Promotions Company, Inc", "contactType":"customer service", { "areaServed":"USA" ], "@type":"Organization", "contactPoint":[ "organizer":[ Florida Gun Shows (407) 410-6870 morgan@floridagunshows.com Feb 18-19 Miramar, FL - Miramar National Guard Armory 5001 Flamingo Rd Miramar, Florida. "@type":"Organization", ] { "@type":"ContactPoint", 5. "@type":"Organization", "name":"Kaliseum Rec Center", "addressCountry":"United States" } "@type":"Organization", "url":"https://houghtonlakesportsmensclub.com/calendar" This Flint gun show is held at Dort Federal Credit Union Event Center and hosted by Sport Shows Promotions Company, Inc. 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"priceCurrency":"USD", "description":"Harrison/Clare Gun & Knife Show will be held on Sep 2nd - 3rd, 2023 in Harrison, MI. "eventAttendanceMode": "https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode", "@type":"Place", "name":"Sport Shows Promotions Company, Inc", "performer":[ All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be obeyed. "availability":"InStock", "addressRegion":"MI", } "name":"Sport Shows Promotions", "@context":"http://schema.org", ], "image":"https://www.igunshows.com/noimg.jpg", "url":"http://www.migunshows.com" , "priceCurrency":"USD", "contactPoint":[ { "addressLocality":"Kalamazoo", NEACA Polish Community Center Gun Show. 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Upcoming 29(mi) Harbor/Petoskey Gun Show by Harbor Springs Outdoors Club Mar 11 - 12, 2023 Petoskey, MI 73(mi) Cadillac Gun & Knife Show by Sport Shows Promotions Mar 18 - 19, 2023 Cadillac, MI 49(mi) Houghton Lake Gun Show by Houghton Lake Sportsmen's Club Apr 1, 2023 Prudenville, MI 84(mi) Big Bear Sportsman's Club Gun Show "streetAddress":"1129 Charlevoix Ave.", [ } "offers":[ "offers":[ { "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/The-Original-Grand-Rapids-Gun--Knife-Show;", { "@type":"Offer", "@type":"Organization", "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/Harbor-Springs-Gun-Show" , "performer":[ "@type":"Event", } "url":"https://www.igunshows.com/NoviGunShow", "price":"6.00", CONTACT sportshows@gmail.com (517) 393-7243 P.O. "addressRegion":"MI", } "startDate":"2023-08-05", ] } "description":"Old Time Gun Show will be held on Mar 4th - 5th, 2023 in Monroe, MI. "category":"primary", "description":"Lansing/Mason Gun & Knife Show will be held on Mar 31st - Apr 2nd, 2023 in Mason, MI. 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