kauai county council members

Joint-venture affordable housing project involving 36 multi-family units (AHE Group) and 32 single-family homes (Habitat for Humanity). The great work that Grove Farm has done is enable local farmers to be able to connect directly with their consumers at the Grove Farm Market every Saturday. Our island does not need a facility to receive more visitors. Creating an inventory of homes which would add to the supply would then bring down the demand and stabilize the prices of the housing industry, basic economics. As long as we keep expanding, we can pay for the infrastructure. I understand the major issues our community deals with related to drug abuse and addiction on Kauai. LIHU'E In a procedure unique among Hawai'i counties, Kaua'i County councilmembers unanimously voted Wednesday to approve raises that will likely affect some of their own salaries. That we are talking to our Senators and House Representatives and making them accountable that we receive a piece of the pie that is equitable. These are the only non-subsidized units that can be built within a truly affordable range for many young families. To do this I will support efforts to expand local food production, processing facilities and infrastructure and work with community organizations to address needs to assist with marketing and distribution of local food while we also work to support current and next generation farmers. Lastly, we need to modify the agricultural dedication process, especially for small farms, to ensure that bonafide farmers are paying minimal taxes and that wealthy land owners arent using the system simply as a tax haven. #2 Vacation rentals take away resident occupied housing and increase the cost of housing island wide. Our keiki, sustainability and housing are where I plan to spend my time and climate change is not at the top of my list for a two year term. The tax collected could become discounts available for local families. Our food tours increase the demand for local ingredients in these restaurants, help maintain their commitment towards supporting local farmers, and raises awareness of fresh ingredients from the island. Meaning that state and local governments have to allocate increasing shares of their budgets on retirement benefits that they have promised to their past and current employees. This leaves less money for all other essential services like transportation, parks, and public safety. Kauai lost its most popular County Council member on Wednesday when Luke Evslin resigned to accept Gov. Government services and infrastructure are much cheaper to provide within our existing town cores than spread across our agricultural lands. I will work with the Department of Public Works, and other departments, to understand the ways that the council can ensure funding and needs are met for planned infrastructure projects to move them forward in a timely manner. I would suggest imposing a tax automatically on anyone purchasing homes and property from out of state. QUESTION #6If elected, what specific ideas do you have about economic diversification and how would you develop these areas? On our own, the County cant solve all of these issues (as some issues like water infrastructure require state funding and regulatory support), but there are two realms where the County plays a vital role: zoning and property taxes. Outreach efforts are already giving visitors important information upon arrival on how to be a responsible visitor and how to be respectful of our `aina and our people. LIHU'E With newly appointed state Rep. Luke Evslin heading to O'ahu, the remaining six members of the Kaua'i County Council now must select a replacement to fill his vacant seat. The budget is our main responsibility and balancing and or cutting the budget to ensure all areas of our counties responsibilities are met. The following came from KipuKai Kualii, candidate for Kauai County Council. I have ideas for this issue and willing to listen to win win solutions. The TVR industry is booming on Kauai. Improving our Airport in order to make it more efficient and safe is important. Yes I do support his effort. This is a State issue, we need to comply on the length of the run way. I need to be briefed on the current details and studies of the sites being considered now that Kalepa (the previous choice) has been denied. Incentivizing Homeowner ARUs Last term we passed several bills supporting Additional Rental Units (ARUs); waiving zoning permit application, sewer & building permit fees; creating a subsidy for water meters; and exempting EIAs saving over $20k per ARU in fees alone. The County needs to help fill this void by requiring that a certain percentage of parking stalls in new commercial and multi-family construction be EV-ready (meaning that it has the conduit and receptacle in place for an EV-charger, without having to rip up the parking lot in the future), we need to help reimburse property owners for installing EV chargers, and we need to facilitate access to the $16M in Federal EV infrastructure money getting funneled through the State. We need to help our community choose local first. I believe in accountability and transparency. Bold action must be taken to better manage tourism to protect the environment and residents quality of life. The plan states that 1 in 8 homes on Kauai is a vacation rental, compared to 1 in 24 homes statewide. We need policies that limit these large developments until there is a solution planned for our landfill. If we could agree that the long-term goal is sustainability then we would need to work backwards to see how we can begin making moves in the short term to move us in that direction. Whereas a resort that falls into becoming a distressed property presents significant, even overwhelming, responsibility for the county and community. Reducing our waste generation and then diverting whatever we can from the landfill will be critical in establishing responsible waste management for our small island. To add on to question 8. Over these last two years, I have shown a deep understanding of our budget and how to be fiscally responsible, so your tax dollars are not foolishly spent. Our departments are underfunded and staffed and I believe we can use the resources this would generate to address important things our community needs. During my terms in office, I have introduced numerous resolutions for performance audits but could never get the required votes to get it passed. More bike paths that are not on the highway. 1) We need to build more homes in and around our existing towns. We have a large population of people and businesses on Oahu that could be our exporting market. What parts to you oppose? He oversees the company's four business units, as well as its functions for technology . references explore and understand land use, zoning, and permitting with the objective being to create a white paper. Efficiency is his byword. Making sure all communities from Kekaha to Haena including Niihau is treated fairly and equitable in receiving funding towards projects. Right now our countys vision is to, Increase agricultural income and opportunities on Kauai through working closely with farmer groups to assist them in obtaining resources and other assistance to solve industry problems or take advantage of opportunities. My vision would to be to follow through with more programs focusing on educating the children and families in our community. I have been blessed and honored to have served Kauai for 14 years. I have tried to raise the vacation rental rate to equal the resort rate twice at budget (2019 and 2022). Organizations such as KIUC, Surfriders Hawaii, Mlama Hulia, and other local agencies dedicated to mitigating the impacts of climate change. The absence of the general public and business adding dimension to policy considerations can easily result in reckless policy development. Waimea Huakai and Habitat for Humanity Affordable Housing, Waimea, Kauai. With population growth now hovering just above zero and only around 100 homes built per year on Kauai, were currently facing an infrastructure crisis. The council was effectively permitted to select anyone to fill Evslins seat. Our solid waste crisis is on a timeline and we need to act now. When asked why there were so many entering this class, the Finance Department said in a memo that we are seeing more Long-Term Rentals and Homeowners sell and or replace with Vacation Rental use. Similarly, in a report on the vacation rental industry in Hawaii, Hawaii Appleseed Foundation writes that Vacation rental units (VRUs) provide another significant pressure, leading to the reduction of available housing for Hawaii residents and driving up rents. This is because, Renting out a unit as a VRU is more profitable than renting it long-term, making VRUs particularly appealing for nonresident investors. As Appleseed writes, part of the attraction is that Hawaii has the lowest property tax rates in the nation. In addition, I support the continuation of the current Kilauea Agricultural Park program throughout our island. We have thousands of ADC ranch and farm lands out on the Westside that needs to be revived. That includes providing direct assistance to businesses & community non-profits such as the the federal bipartisan infrastructure bill. I am committed to doing everything I can to fight for local families. In line with these five general principles, Ive introduced or co-introduced the following legislation over the last two years: Eliminate all fees for affordable accessory residential units (ARUs); Provide Kauai homeowners with free septic systems; Prohibit community covenants from restricting against additional units and long-term rentals; Allow the construction of ARUs in the Lihue town core; Reduce the building code requirements for tiny houses; Eliminate minimum lot size restrictions for multi-family homes; Allocate 2% of real property tax revenue annually toward affordable housing (still in process); Incentivize residential space on top of commercial space through tax exemptions; Create a tiered tax structure to allow us to increase tax rates on high-value vacant houses and vacation rentals to fund affordable housing and incentivize those units to convert to long-term rentals (still in process); Increase the vacation rental property tax rate to disincentivize vacation rentals and apply nearly all of the money raised to affordable housing (measure failed). I am blessed with the ability to be your full-time council member without the competition of an outside job or a personal business to run. Instead of a white paper, Id hope that the objective would clearly be to decrease the number of vacation rentals that we have on island (1 in 8 homes) and to do it through any means possible, including both zoning and taxation policy. We established a monthly Downtown Lhue Night Market that brings local vendors and drives local buyers together. While I think that the State and Federal governments can play an important role in helping support both agriculture and domestic manufacturing for the County, I see our primary role in stimulating the economy as reducing the cost of housing, investing in vibrant and walkable town cores, and ensuring that real farmers are paying very minimal property taxes. Our trip to Washington DC was a bridge between funding sources and projects. I would work with our State and Federal counterparts to secure adequate funding for our County. Point-source reduction is an area where the Chamber of Commerce could be a valuable partner in challenging their membership to reduce waste creation as each business best sees fit. Policy D.4. of Water to ensure water distribution expansion plans line up with plans for increased density and infill development within our town centers, as well as for other housing development in the larger town areas. In college I also received a Fulbright scholarship to live abroad in south Africa. My top priorities are affordable housing, and recycling. In that same Tax Review commission memo, the chair of the commission writes that Adjusting RPT rates to capture more revenue from high-value houses and non-resident owners can produce tens of millions more dollars per year that counties can use for growing needs. Raising the vacation rental rate by $1 to equal the resort rate will raise $4.5M which can be used for much needed affordable housing projects in Waimea, Lima Ola, Kilauea, and elsewhere. Collaborating for Community Solutions Working with both Public & Private Partners to develop and implement forward-thinking solutions to longstanding challenges like Climate Change, Drug Abuse, Food Insecurity, Homelessness, Teen Suicide, Traffic Congestion and more. The rising seas and flooding require us to look at limiting and even restricting any further structures being built along our shorelines and along our rivers. Affordable housing is the, or one of the, most urgent issues we must tackle. However, the process to site and build a new one is expected to take just as long or slightly longer than the lifespan of our existing landfill. I will continue to be supportive of the valuable efforts made by our Mayors administration and the housing department. The restorative agricultural practices, community engagement, and land preservation is vital for a thriving agricultural sector. I will be responsible about how we move forward with our operations as well, ensuring we are planning for the long term but ensuring we meet our short-term needs. I humbly ask for your vote, as an opportunity to give back to what has been given to me. Administration and Council will then need to secure funding through the budgeting process to qualify for additional funding to start and complete the proposed infrastructure projects. We accomplish these objectives through the small businesses and nonprofits Im a part of. The focus is on stabilization, recovery, and rebuilding to the desired visitor industry for each island. From A to I, there are many quality and similar action steps. Why? I am a strong advocate of performance audits. Kauai Real Estate, Huge Traffic Delays, Snorkelers Rescued Off Lawai Beach, Kauai Council Member Sentenced, May 31, 2022; . Addressing the combined impacts to the climate from ecosystem loss and destruction of environmental services, CO2 production due to transport of food through programs that support local food production and access are critical. Kauai. We need the funding to make these happen. The pandemic has made us realize how important these animals can play in our survival. Yes, I support establishing equitable property tax rates so that the services the county provides have the resources to execute fairly. There is a maze of changing regulations that are best served by following a quick timeline to avoid the next limitation. Getting together with the State to support (perhaps w/ land & water) the establishment of agricultural community villages for our homeless interested in growing food for their own survival for starters. Meaning that you can own a lucrative TVR on Kauai and pay far less in property taxes than even for a resident occupied home on the mainland. And a primary barrier for many businesses right now is attracting and retaining employees which stems at least partially from the high cost of housing. I agree with the level of the LIH to a minimum. They have a great start with the community partnerships. Regarding policies that I support in the DMAP, I will always go back to property taxes, fees, and zoning as the strongest tools that the County has the most discretion over. As we successfully provide this item locally we could move toward exporting it and accomplish two goals with one project which is moving toward food sustainability and create income via an export. The next step will be to develop measures that can be brought before the council as bills and resolutions that will help to facilitate the needs that are identified. No, the various forms of Transient Vacation Rentals and Resorts should be evaluated for Real Property Tax rates separately on their own merits and impacts. It was And I believe that that is one of the best tools that we have to increase the cost of traveling to Hawaii, reduce numbers at some of our overcrowded sites, and raise money for our infrastructure and natural resources preservation. There should be a pick up like we have for garbage for correctly separated and cleaned items. I have the time to attend boards and commission meetings, community events, and have on-site visits with constituents, neighborhoods and businesses for stronger understanding of their specific needs. More financial support and reduced taxes for food producing farmers. I envision reversing our current status quo to where 80% of our food comes from Kauai rather than imported. We also need to solve our traffic problem as this project once completed will create more traffic as well. Action items D, focus policies that address over-tourism by managing people while on Kauai and E, encourage low-impact green rides to improve the visitor experience, reduce island traffic, increase small business opportunities, and meet climate action goalsare among the more motivating for me. These illegal units take away long term rentals. I believe we have to make sure we take care of our pensioners, first responders and County employees first. He also previously served for 8 years on the Kauai County Council and was Director of the Office of Environmental Quality Control for the State of Hawaii (2011/2012). While I have an educational background in engineering, I strengthen my support and preparedness by listening to our site experts, visiting our facilities, requesting progress or status briefings and reviewing process materials. Establishing a carrying capacity and limiting arrivals for Kauai is critical to retaining our quality of life, environment and extending the operation of our infrastructure. I would oppose increasing the rental car stacked garage facility. While the FAQ of the Airport Master Plan says that airport expansions do not induce demand, in Barnes v. Dot, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals found that the FAA has knowledge that there is at least a reasonable possibility that increasing airport capacity would lead to increased demand, but that they chose to gloss over it. The consultants seem to be doing the same thing for the Lihue Airport Master Plan. If all community events adopted a Zero Waste effort, we can reduce our trash significantly. I know issues of the island because I was born and raised on Kauai Im willing to change my stance on any of the issues, Im a good listener and I lead by example. **NOTE: These voting records ONLY reflect Affordable Housing and Climate Change ** Arryl Kaneshiro. I do support expanding our TSA lines and hope that in the plan TSA will also be provided with more up to date equipment so that everyone can get to their next destination. Putting this price tag of a MURF on our residence of Kauai will cripple their monthly budget. I will attend events and meetings that help me better understand the needs of the business community and I will engage in ways that can support those needs wherever I can. Coco Palms is an extreme example of a small resort being too expensive to condemn and throw away, even after thirty years. Those are immediate questions that we need to answer in the budget coming up., Facebook QUESTION #10How would you ensure that planned County infrastructure projects on Kauai move forward in a timely manner? Secondly, I would consider the construction and development of a highly qualified and sought after school for science and technology or arts & music conservatory. Mahalo to the Kauai Chamber for all the work that you do for our island home, and I look forward to serving a second term as a member of the Kauai County Council where I will continue to be a bridge and connect government to the people. We know that a lot of knaka iwi (Native Hawaiians) dont vote. So must we! In fact, Councilmember Cowden and I have been in the process of drafting a resolution in support of those very sentiments that we have been hearing from many of our constituents. He also served on the Kauai County Council for four years before becoming a Senator.. Past administrations and councils do not favor audits for reasons that I cannot comprehend. We know that a lot of younger women and a lot of younger people in general dont vote Theyre not voting because they dont see themselves reflected in the system, nonprofit director Nikki Cristobal, who is also Bulosans partner, testified. This site was listed as a viable site through a comprehensive study that was done on potential landfill locations on our Island. Strengthen the economic contribution of Kauais visitor industry. 3. Our County should also work in partnership with private entities wherever possible to create additional wastewater treatment facilities. & community non-profits such as the the federal bipartisan infrastructure bill drives local buyers together 2022 ) can result! Housing island wide these objectives through the small businesses and nonprofits Im a part the! 36 multi-family units ( AHE Group ) and 32 single-family homes ( Habitat for Humanity ) County employees.... 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kauai county council members