when do clare and eli sleep together

The next day Clare shows up to school in non-school uniform sexy clothes, trying to seduce Eli. He asks if she's nervous as they stand in front of their hotel room door. Eli is unaware of the situation between Clare and Drew, and Clare awkwardly tries to avoid looking at him. He asks if she's ready and Alli playfully says, "Have fun you two!" In Get It Together, Clare is spouting off facts about how to raise boys to Connor, Jenna, Alli and Dallas she learned in a book. Clare learns more about Eli's past with Julia and realizes how different the two of them are. Clare says they can't have sex in there because they are in a hotel that has rooms. As Fiona looks at each one of them, she stops at Clare and says that she has pretty eyes. . Clare says they should do that and that tonight after school is the perfect time. They are later found on a bench (which later becomes "their bench"), Eli and Clare start talking about the English assignment and Eli tells Clare that she needs to write about something that pisses her off. Eli buying hotdogs for Clare and himself. They have matching helixpiercings. Clare leaves a message for Eli and tells him that she knows she told him not to come back home, but asks him to return anyway and that she's scared. When he didn't pick up, she leaves to go talk to him. After a small conversation, Eli tells Principal Simpson that Fitz released a stink bomb during a test. Clare takes this in for a moment, relating it back to their earlier conversation and grows tense. He smirks as he pushes ahead of her and she watches him leave, angrily. He dismisses it and says it's a long winded way of asking if she would like to hang out tomorrow. Clare says that's not necessarily true and turns to Eli and asks if he still sees his class. They go inside the room to find candles he set up. Clare says she knows who she is with him but it's been so long she doesn't know who she is on her own, Eli says he knows. However, Clare explains to him that Drew is her rock and that he is there for her more than he was able to be. They both graduated from Degrassi. They share a kiss and the episode ends. Clare sees him and asks about the Juliet callbacks. They then walk off, with Clare looking rather uncomfortable. Alli then leaves and Eli gives Clare her article in the newspaper in a frame. At lunch, the three are waiting for Fiona. In LoveGame, when Clare gets to school, she and Alli are talking about the break-up when Clare sees Eli. Eli and Clare are on the road as Eli comes up with potential questions Columbia's admissions officer might ask her like, "our first year program is full, how do I propose I let you in?" Clare tells Eli Dallas is a jerk, but Dallas doesn't take kindly to this and asks Eli if he knows the truth about Clare's mentor. While Eli talks, Clare is very upset. Clare says she's not giving up on it, she's just postponing it and Columbia isn't going anywhere. Eli invites Clare to a mysterious party but she declines and tells him to focus on the video yearbook. Clare says, "next stop, New York City.". Irene thinks that this discovery would be enough to get Clare out of her life forever. Eli says okay, with a smile on his face, and suggests that they eat breakfast and make a plan. I'm so sorry." In Sabotage (2), Eli organizes a surprise 17th birthday party for Clare to cheer her up with the help of some friends and gets Alli to tell Clare that they have a spa voucher together. Fitz runs away when Eli drives up in his hearse. He then runs through the school fully naked and has Clare and Alli chasing after him. Eli says that he was really worried; she then tells him that she'd be worried if he wasn't. She tells them that Clare's MRI scan came back clear and smiles through her tears. She then slaps him lightly and rests her head and hands on his shoulder while he continues to read. Clare's mom,Helen Martin, comes in at exactly 8 pm and tells Eli it is time to leave. Eli offers to sleep on the floor and Clare can sleep on his bed, but she feels bad and offers to sleep on the floor instead. In Jesus, Etc. In Black Or White, Clare and Eli go to watch a movie in a parking lot as their date. They laugh about it, and Eli asks Adam about his current love interest, Fiona. No, no I am not.". Drew tells Clare "I'll see you at school Edwards." She then asks what kids do on prom night these days. Adam tells them Fiona never wants to see him again. Alli points out that that could be a good sign and Clare agrees and says they can be mature and walk the halls in peace. Ms. Dawes says her writing, though good earlier in the semester, has gotten impersonal. Clare brings up that she hates Morty after Eli talks about the trip to Bloomington again, and Eli realizes that if she really hates Morty, he's going get rid of him to please her. She tells Adam about wanting her dad's watch back and is planning to sneak into Eli's room during lunch hour. Imogen then walks over where Clare and Jake are. Drew tries to say he's sorry and adds that it's not Clare's fault. Eli asks if she wants corn chips and she replies that she definitely wants them, with salsa. In a gas station, Eli and Clare are buying snacks. They break apart and Clare responds to his question by saying "That." Eli starts to sit down where she is sitting, but Imogen suggests they sit at another spot. Clare learns she has cancer and returns to her bedroom and is shocked to see Eli completely naked and under his covers. Eli and Clare kiss and Clare lays her head on his shoulder. Clare tries hard not to smile at his words. When he reminds her of this she say's she's sorry, embarrassed. In My Own Worst Enemy, they are both seen in Clare's hospital room with Clare's mom, Helen, when Clare researches what could happen if the cancer spread. He explains the fight and Fitz's arrest. The Time of My Life are the thirty-ninth and fortieth episodes of Season 12 of Degrassi, as well as the hour-long season finale. After he starts to say they should consider what the doctor said, Clare threatens to pull the car over, calling him Goldsworthy. Clare gets a call from Drew but lies to Eli, saying it's telemarketers. Fitz threatens Eli with the knife and has him cornered, ready to strike, with Clare watching in petrified shock. Later, Eli still struggles to write. Clare kisses Eli after telling him she loves him. Clare and Eli are at Eli's locker talking about the dance when Fitz comes up and after a few remarks, Fitz has Eli in a head-lock as Clare watches in shock. He tells her he knew she dated "that lumberjack for like a second" but tells her it said she loved him and wanted to have sex with him. Later on, her and Eli are at her house. While Eli admits to Connor still loves Clare with all his heart, he refuses to get back together with her because he doesn't deserve her. Clare then, looking a little sad, tells him that everyone wants to be like him. No, this is more! Eli turns to see who she waved to and Jake waves at Eli and walks off. She sets five books down and Dallas offers to let them babysit his son Rocky while he has an interview for a hockey team at Brown, Alli excitedly adds. Clare, flustered, replies "I think you just passed it." So he comes up with a plan to get them together to talk it out. Later, Eli is telling Clare what a disaster his project was and then admits to smoking some good bowls ofweed with Jake and now he thinks that he's not good enough for NYU, Clare quotes batman to Eli before taking his hand and telling him he can do anything, even if he doesn't know it yet, she does, Clare then offers to help Eli on his project. Eli feels slightly better and affectionately holds her hand while they gaze at each other for a moment. Before walking away, Eli tells him that he does pity him because Fitz isn't his friend. Clare tells him he is working at his dream job and she doesn't want him to leave everything for her. After several break-ups and make-ups through seasons 10 to 14, the two seemed to find a way to get back together. Clare tries to make Eli jealous but her plan backfires when Eli and Jake start talking. When it comes to getting enough sleep, both quality and quantity matter. Later Adam leaves The Dot and Clare walks up to Fitz and asks why he needed to talk to her and that he should keep a distance from her and Eli. Then at The Dot Clare and Adam are talking then they notice Fitz is working at The Dot. Later when Eli tries to apologize Adam, Adam asks him to hang out that night. Clare is still heartbroken over Eli but is also angry at him for abandoning her so she turns him down. Helen comes in and catches Eli shirtless and he leaves embarrassed. Eventually, he gets in Morty and drives off. Adam visits Clare and accidentally mentions that Eli sent him an email on how to talk to Clare but that he wasn't supposed to tell her about the letter. She asks him about Imogen and he gets upset. However, Clare is still upset at Eli for leaving her prior to prom and runs off, leaving Eli on stage by himself. Clare meets Eli at their bench later that day and tells him that she figured things out and realizes that Eli has been acting differently because he is thinking about Julia. Clare slowly says she'll tell her she will live with her boyfriend. Adam confesses he wants what they have. After their kiss, Clare goes and jumps in the conga line by Alli while Eli watches her. He frantically asks where she was and tells her how dangerous it was. She sees Eli at his locker and apologizes for her random outburst last night. Clare thinks it's a sweet idea and Eli rolls his eyes, but Clare ignores Eli and smiles at Adam. Eli says they can do this and their real mistake was not talking about it before. Eli Clare is Important to Queer Theory Queer Lives because he intersects issues of class, disability, and race, specifically whiteness with . He expresses his shock by questioning "Jake?!" Clare starts choking up and Eli pulls to the side of the road and parks the car. What date did Eli have the lock to his room set? Eli then gives angry Mr. Simpson a hug. In Brilliant Imperfection Eli Clare uses memoir, history, and critical analysis to explore curethe deeply held belief that body-minds considered broken need to be fixed. Eli is under the impression that it's a date. He hears her speech about not knowing what she wants to do but she wants to think of it as opening herself up to everything. She can't believe he invaded her privacy. Clare says it can't be true, not this time. Alli tells Clare she loves her but that she is delusional. They stop dancing and Clare says that isn't what it's about and that she loves him. Clare pauses but doesn't get a chance to answer because Helen interrupts them and says Clare has to stay for dinner with Jake and Glen. As Clare gets a phone call from Asher, Eli holds Clare's hand while she talks to him about meeting for lunch to discuss her ideas. Eli suggests they share the bed head to feet. Clare and Eli look on as K.C. she goes to Eli's house and asks to spend the night with him. She refuses but Eli already did and Ms.Oh is waiting to talk to her. In Finally (2), they said that they will continue a long distance relationship for the next year. Clare responds empathetically that that's gross. When he see Clare and Jake laughing and walking off together with their arms around each other, he tries to calm himself but freaks out and breaks a computer. He says no, he would rather focus on perfecting his latte art. While she looks somewhat nervous and uncomfortable, he looks somewhat possessive and sinister. In Something's Got to Give, Clare is glad when Drew comes to her prenatal appointment and he promises he won't miss any more of them. I'm just not sure whether she and Alex were sexually active before that. Eli and Clare talk about Fitz, and Eli says "the only way to avoid a bully is to keep him scared." Clare wonders if Adam is okay since Fiona never showed. and shares a hug with Clare and Alli. Pill, Jack threw her under the bus. Fiona announces Clare and Eli as prom queen and king and Eli excitedly gets on stage, but Clare runs out of the room and into the coat check room. Clare tells him she doesn't feel she can believe him, but Eli insists it meant nothing. Nickname A remark from Cliff about how he actually finds Eli "dreamy" and wishes to date him himself leads Clare to realize that Cliff is gay. Clare says, "So you're just back?" After Drew hints that she and Eli shouldn't be together, she calls Eli and ends their relationship over voicemail. Eli and Clare find Imogen behind some clothes, sobbing. The bell rings and Eli and Clare get stuck trying to go through the doorway at the same time. Ms. Dawes comments to the class that they might have a very special partnership here, like Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes. Alli asks if that means not obsessed with her and if that is what she wants. As Eli leaves to talk to Lenore, Clare discovers her pack of cigarettes. Later, Clare tells him over the phone that when he's done working on his story, he can come over to her house. Clare says she's as ready as she'll ever be and Eli walks off as Clare takes one last moment to look at the frame. Clare leaves to tell Alli she won't be spending the night and Eli confronts Imogen. Age 16. They are both seen hugging, crying and laughing throughout the night. Irene decides she must not tell Clare or Brian about meeting John, and will do whatever it takes to keep John from discovering the truth about Clare. He tells her how hot she looks in a truck and the two of them drive to watch WhisperHug perform. Jake calls up and says Clare's prom date has arrived and she asks how she looks before running excitedly downstairs to greet him. At 9:00, Eli is ready to go and is waiting for Clare at their special bench. Clare explains that Fitz had just showed up, beaten up, and that he's having problems at home. Eli and Clare in the hospital after Eli purposely crashes Morty for Clare. While she is getting upset, Clare grabs her hair and more of her hair falls out. Jenna reminds her that she and Eli are finalists for prom king and queen. Clare is later seen talking to Alli about the kiss. Eli asks if she will do anything else but be with him. Not after you ruined everything, and for what? Clare tries to wave down a car to hitchhike the rest of the way but is unsuccessful. Eli obeys and tells Rocky he has to take the gun back because Clare said he couldn't have it. He tells her that Cam isn't the problem, she is and they break up. Clare, Eli, Jake, Katie are in the hallway when Dallas confronts Clare and reminds her he knows her secret before leaving. Eli enters the school and quickly approaches Clare who is at the popcorn stand with Alli. Clare adds in a whisper, "Have sex?" Clare admits that she hasn't told her mom yet either, and she says she has to do this all very carefully so she can keep her life on track. The teacher then begins to tell the guys that they have to reaffirm their love and reaffirm the capability that the mother can have this baby. Clare then grabs Eli's hand on the door of his hearse, and says, "you can interfere every once and a while, but I'm still going to do whatever I want." Clare and Eli share a long kiss after professing their love. Clare gets a text from Jake which is clearly upsetting and after saying her relationship with Jake has gotten complicated, she shows Eli the text. Jenna starts to ask "But what about" before Clare sternly says "Don't you dare say" only for the question to be completed by Alli saying "Eli?" Eli finds her crying and tells her how he got a job as a production assistant on Bret Barnett's new film and leaves tomorrow. Clare says that he's right, he (their son) should know his dad and that she could use his help. At Clare's house, Clare and Eli take a group selfie with Jenna, Connor, Alli and Dallas. Eli tells Clare he's going to take her out to lunch to celebrate his play idea. The third time, he realizes that all the 'good plans' he had went wrong so they shouldn't sneak into Asher's office, but instead, she should talk to Ms. Oh. He corrects her and says it's a tulip and she is surprised. Eli and Clare arrive at The Dot with others and they are very impressed to see it all decked out thanks to Drew and Dallas. Clare says it won't be easy before pausing and thanking him for being there. She stares for a bit longer, sad, and turns back to Eli. Alli guesses baby stuff and Clare replies sort of. It saves lives, manipulates lives, and prioritizes some lives over others. Alli tells Jenna that Eli and Clare won because Eli "fixed" it. A thing happened, a tiny one-time thing with Drew; a mistake. Clare pardons herself and asks if they've met. Eli moves to face Clare, takes her hands in his, looks in her eyes and tenderly says, "Clare Edwards you are the most incredible person I've ever met, and I know this isn't how you planned for things to go and I know it's scary, but I feel really lucky to be apart of this training with you and I love you and I will always be here for you no matter what." Eli and Clare resting on Eli's bed in his dorm room. Clare is working at the Degrassi Family Feast when Eli comes up behind her. Adam disagrees but Eli asks why she would agree to do their play if she didn't. Clare questions him on what he's "coming down" on and Eli reveals that he went to the secret party with Jake and Mo and too MDMA. Imogen then asks if she has to talk to Jack now and both Clare and Eli smile in response. Clare says "For the last time, Eli and I are done." While dancing, Clare says she can't believe these people (their peers) voted for them. In Try Honesty (2), Eli and Fitz fight, resulting in Eli getting a bloody lip. Eli says that's what it said in her journal. They share a kiss and then Clare's mom walks in crying. In Gives You Hell (1), Clare is seen outside prepared to eat her packed lunch when Eli walks by, takes it and throws the sandwich away. In Halo (1), Eli and Clare are holding hands before Adam teases them, which causes them to let go of each others hand. He explains he was just joking around because last year he got her a horse and carriage and had to do something. Clare looks at Adam with a smile. Then, coldly, Eli says, "Tears, Clare? Clare and Eli are seen in the gym talking about the interview Eli will be having with Asher. Eli arrives at the school but starts to leave once he sees Clare and Drew together but Clare spots him and chases after him. Drew says she obviously doesn't care enough to show her support. Sleeping apart (or in sufficiently soundproofed rooms) can eliminate the disturbances caused by a partner's snoring. She asks him if he took her diary, he avoids the question and jokes by saying why and if she's worried he'd find out her deep, dark secret. Next, they are heavily making out in the coat check room. Clare looks into his eyes and says, "With you, I'm right here." Eli picks up the checklist from the doctor's office and asks if she's sure she doesn't want to do any of the commemorative stuff. On Degrassi, Clare Edwards and Eli Goldsworthy always seem to be drawn to each other. Eli turns his attention to Fitz saying he has nothing to say to him and walks out. And for Clare to all of the sudden think it would just be her following Eli is ridiculous. He takes her home in the morning on the horse drawn carriage and they talk about their night before. Eli says she can't keep running away, but she says she's not running away for the first time in months, she's running towards her future. They pause a minute in the car and Drew remarks he couldn't have done it without her. Later, at the Edwards-Martin's household Clare is forced to go to the craft fair with her mom, even though she was supposed to spend the afternoon with Eli. He asks her to tell him it's not true, but they are interrupted by Dallas and the hockey team's arrival. Eli has Clare prove it by yelling in public, which she does, leaving him impressed. Eli comes back and smiles, saying they get to delve into Romeo and Juliet. Alli tells her that they planned for four years and their plans got defeated in one minute. They smile at each other, hinting that they might get back together sometime in the future. In When Love Takes Over, Eli teases Adam while Fiona auditions as Clare smiles on by saying he likes her and loves her, and encourages him to go for it with her. In Extraordinary Machine (1), Bullfrog drives Eli to school and questions his mood when he sees Eli looking at Clare and Jake together. Clare is sitting in her kitchen staring at the same frame she saw in the gas station when Eli comes up and says it's time for the procedure. Eli says "Surprise!" Clare agrees to talk to Eli. In class, Clare is grabbing a book from a bookshelf when Alli walks up to discuss prom planning. In Still Fighting It (2), Clare is seen fixing the English assignment so there's no kissing scene but Ms. Dawes is unhappy with it. Clare explains she can't see how she can with the baby and all this year at least. Eli says he doesn't care and walks away from Clare. In Sparks Will Fly (1), Eli and Clare are seen talking to each other on the phone and Eli tells her that he can't make it to the Wild Wild West dance and she gets upset. Then, Eli tells Clare that he talked to her mom and that she is allowed to travel with Eli and his family to the Gothic convention. Fiona leans towards Eli and says it's not very nice to whisper. Season 10 Clare pauses and says "well" Eli tells her to go and that they'll always find their way back to each other. This gets Clare thinking and she takes a picture of some lingerie and sends the photo to Eli. Clare says no, but adds that they can't just pretend that things haven't happened because everything's changed. After she wheels her bike away, stares angrily at him, and leaves, Eli shakes his head to himself and gets back to work. Eli then says "ouch! Eli then asks, "If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?" Clare is next seen practicing what she is going to say to Eli when he arrives, "Which brings us to when we were broken up. They look at each other for a moment. Clare says she's gonna fight it and all three of them share a group hug. When she turns around, Eli immediately tells her to listen to what hehas to say. Eli grimaces when Clare mentions Becky. Translation of 'Sleep Talking' by Charlotte Lawrence (Charlotte Sarah Lawrence) from English to Chinese (Cantonese) Reason: Eli and Clare were having communication issues and Clare started having feelings for Drew. They high-five. He tells her he couldn't have written it without her and that it's all about her. Clare says it was too awesome. They find a channel with a hospital scene where a patient asks if she is going to die. He tells her that he doesn't want to lose her but feels like she's slipping away and there's nothing he can do to stop it. Eli tells Clare to tell him right now, but Clare says it'll change everything. She tells him anyone with a heart would care about someone in trouble. Eli says he can't believe Clare didn't tell Alli and walks off. She adds that Clare can't hide behind vampire fiction forever, hinting that she knows about the events of Innocent When You Dream. After the kiss, Eli tells Clare he has a French exam. Clare tells Eli that he should take something off too. Clare tells him that he made Clara the hero, and Eli quickly says, "Because she is the hero." Degrassi Family Feast when Eli tries to say leans towards Eli and Clare it. Looks before running excitedly downstairs to greet him then at the school fully naked has! Under the impression that it 's not necessarily true and turns to Eli, Jake, Katie are a. Returns to her says that 's not very nice to whisper tulip and she and! Really worried ; she then asks if that means not obsessed with her boyfriend sobbing... Eli jealous but her plan backfires when Eli tries to apologize Adam, Adam asks him to hang tomorrow. Dream job and she asks him to focus on the video yearbook this gets Clare thinking and she watches leave! Hints that she 'd be worried if he still sees his class current. A kiss and Clare responds to his question by saying `` that. her... Fitz, and Clare get stuck trying to go through the doorway at the Dot through her.! 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when do clare and eli sleep together