life is strange 2 remind the rules or concede

Sean and Daniel encounter Chris in his backyard while running from the Police, he gives Daniel his Captain Spirit cape and directs them to a path where the cops won't find them. Telling Daniel there are only critters in the forest. He will see multiple articles about the Seattle shooting. Daniel will lament that he thinks Chris hates him for lying. If Daniel told Chris the truth, Chris will help the brothers run away and give Daniel his cape. If Daniel told Chris the truth, Chris will help the brothers run away and give Daniel his cape. Sean and Daniel escape the station without stealing supplies and harming Hank. Caused by: Sean asking Daniel to hurt the officers. Sean doesn't do the brothers' howl before training. The police can mention finding them because of a report that his social media account was accessed at the residence. Daniel takes solace in the fact they were able to actually bury Mushroom. Caused by: Missing the interaction, or not encouraging Daniel enough during the interaction. Agent Flores can't believe it and asks if Finn was his partner in crime. Daniel will enjoy his Christmas present(s). If Sean replies he does not have faith, Lisbeth will say "So Daniel was wrong?". Contributes to Sean's potential intoxication. Karen can contribute her help, even if Sean does everything perfectly and doesn't raise any suspicion at all. Officer Campbell doesn't have to de-escalate the situation and takes Sean to the interrogation room. If Daniel wasn't asked to tell the truth to Chris, then he blames Sean for the accident. Caused by: Sean finding Daniel in the bathroom and Daniel having High Morality. This increases the likelihood that Sean will refer to Doris as a "Nosey bitch" in his sketchbook. It is revealed that Stephen has healed, without needing surgery. Sean must tidy up at least 2 out of 4 items around the house. Caused by: Talking to the church members outside and either choosing the wrong dialogue options or walking off too soon. Committee: House Government Reform: Related Items: Data will display when it becomes available. Caused by: Sean asking for help and Daniel having Low Brotherhood or Sean not interacting with Daniel at all. In a fury, Daniel kills Lisbeth with his powers, breaking her neck. Sean will tell her that his wound hurts before going inside. Reinforcing a case by including a personal perspective. (This choice is available only if Chris gets hit by the police car, which itself is already a major contribution to damaging Sean and Daniel's Brotherhood. Sean doesn't let Daniel go on and says he can make his own version. Sean is more optimistic when he looks at the claw marks by the lake, thinking their pack is stronger. After the loading screens, the Title screen will appear. Upon leaving the house, Jacob will comment that Karen is hardcore. If Sean is able to talk with Lyla or tells her mom the truth, Lyla's Facebook page will show she is passionate about civil rights. To catch up, Life is Strange 2 tells the story of two young Mexican-American brothers who are on the run after their father is killed by a police officer in a fatal accident. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel to help gather firewood, and coming back with three logs before Daniel. If Sean also didn't try to take Daniel's toy back: Anton will only ask Sean about his eye, if he drives him to Haven Point. Raise any suspicion and reject Karen's help; Raise too much suspicion, regardless of whether Karen's help is accepted. If he doesn't, the two men later will comment on his injuries. Because Chris knows he has no power, he doesn't move into the police car's path; instead, he is sitting on the swings in the backyard when Sean and Daniel cut through. Doris Stamper can later comment on how he looks like he went through a mudflow if she is spoken to, to which Sean will reply that they went hiking and fell over and over. Language: English Words: 9,405 Chapters: 9 /? Sean doesn't lose his virginity to Cassidy. The worst horrors of the Great Tribulation are yet to come. If Lyla is called in Episode 2 as well, she will post a photo of her with Sean, saying she's thinking of him. Caused by: Sean not asking Daniel to distract Doris, or letting it go after the latter expresses his disapproval. While getting a tattoo, Sean said he didn't need one to remember Cassidy. If Sean didn't buy something, Hank won't check if they are shoplifters but he'll attack them anyway. Go outside the balcony door in the room with the TV. Sean can play Hide & Seek with Daniel or refuse to play. From the floor, Merrill cocks his gun at Finn and kills him. The following article features the statistics and consequences of choices from Episode 2: Rules. View Page. The newspaper headline in the cabin will be "GAS STATION OWNER CONFRONTS FUGITIVES" and the article will emphasize Hank's alleged desire to help them if Sean didn't steal. It is revealed that Stephen has underwent surgery. Caused by: Trimming more than 11 weed buds. After Daniel says he feels like in prison, Sean can dismiss his complains, ordering him to be silent instead. Cassidy won't be as confident while talking to Merrill and Big Joe. Karen will tell Sean that Esteban hated that she smoked. If Sean called Lyla in Episode 1, she will answer the phone, upset at him for hanging up on her, revealing that the police confronted her about the call and that she had to lie to them. Sean uses the found key to open the door to Karen's room. Mushroom will run away in fear. This is because Finn and Daniel will approach Sean at the campsite and Cassidy will get mad. While staying up late, Sean revealed he might be interested in some boys. Life is Strange 2 -- Episode 5 Dylan Burns. The present Sean bought will appear in the, All bought and stolen presents will appear in the. Karen gives Daniel a sweet goodbye (since he went along with sparing Lisbeth's life). Caused by: Sean choosing to surrender and Daniel having High Morality during the game's finale. When the Sheriff arrives at the door, he will claim that a call was made to her from the house. Caused by: Agreeing to the heist from the start, avoiding alerting Big Joe, disabling the CCTV cameras in time and lifting up the bar behind the door while looking through the window. It is unclear if the officer is injured but he exits the car, alive. Sean picked up the wood piece that Finn tried to carve. To succeed: Speak to the Californian family and choose at least two of the dialogue options. Because Chris knows he has no power, he doesn't move into the police car's path; instead, he is sitting on the swings in the backyard when Sean and Daniel cut through. Sean will remind Daniel not to use his powers in front of other people. His regular look will be partially restored after cleaning himself up at the motel. The brothers will not be able to bury Mushroom. If Daniel was asked to tell the truth to Chris but disobeyed, then he blames himself for the accident. Chris will mention having spent winter with a cast on his leg in his letter to Sean and Daniel. If Lyla wasn't called in Episode 1, her Facebook page will be supportive about mental health. He ends up violently knocking out Officer Campbell against the wall, which partially shatters, then throws his unconscious body to the side without remorse. There's no injury for Chris to mention in his letter to Sean and Daniel. Caused by: Sean's request to stop lying and Daniel having Low Morality while leaving the Christmas Market. (Sean will have $20.30 or $40.30 to spend during the episode, depending on if he told the truth to Esteban). Caused by: Sean sending Daniel to beg for food from the family. Luke and Madison will be knocked out by Daniel and stay quiet for the rest of Sean and Daniel's escape. Providing a specific example to illustrate an abstract concept. Go to the pantry shown in the screenshot. After Daniel says he feels like in prison, Sean can sympathize with his complains, saying it's just their job at the moment. He tells Sean he's no longer having dreams about it and asks if it's bad that he doesn't really regret it. Sean will have to spend money on a wreath ($10). Daniel will not help you with the water tanks. Feb 17, 2020 - Sometimes taking it slow is the best way to immerse players. Telling Daniel that the forest is full of animals with claws and fangs (This will also give him nightmares). To quickly get this outcome, you can call Daniel out for cheating after he moves Sean's pieces, then forfeit the game. If Sean tells Daniel he kissed Finn, Sean will add that he wouldn't lie after what happened. Daniel will be delighted Sean listened to his suggestions. Both Sean and Daniel Diaz had grown on me as characters and their interactions, most notably the influence Sean can exert over Daniel as his older brother, seemed to be the core of the experience. you have to avoid agitating the father by saying "It's not that bad". Sean and Daniel will sleep in the tent from Bear Station, the brothers can be assumed to be using sleeping bags lent to them by Finn's group however if Sean brought the sleeping bag at the Bear Station he is using it himself instead, whereas Daniel will always have a new sleeping bag. If Chris is hit by the car, Daniel will blame himself. And yet the rule of primogeniture alonethe concern for a "heir madle"could not have insured the integrity of lineage if it had not been accompanied by a model of marriage appropriate to the unilateral transmission of the ef and to the organization of feudal society as a series of alliances between landholders with mutual obligations. Sean tells Daniel there's no need to study since the brothers are their own teachers now, to which Daniel happily agrees. During their stay, they encounter next-door neighbor Chris . Meaningly contributes to keeping distances with Karen. It hit some really uncomfortable shit, was a unique approach to a follow-up, and I saw ALOT of myself in Sean. Sean and Daniel share a moment of calm, watching together the Hawt Dawg Man show on TV. Daniel and Claire will hold hands and pray. Chad will take the toy from Sean to taunt him, and it may be broken if Sean attempts to forcibly take it back. - 18%, Daniel was told to tell the truth but he continued lying to Chris. Sean must tidy up at least 2 out of 4 items around the house. Daniel is more upset that they couldn't even bury Mushroom. It's five episodes were released between September 2018 and December 2019 for PlayStation 4, Windows, and Xbox One and later for macOS and Linux. When the Sheriff arrives at the door, he will either claim that someone logged onto Sean's social media account from the Reynolds' house or that Daniel and Sean were seen at the Christmas market. Nicholas will not be suspicious upon arriving at Lisbeth's house. Caused by: Agreeing to the heist but getting spotted at any point (alerting Big Joe, failing to disable the CCTV cameras in time, breaking the living room door open). Almost everyone will suggest you to play them in release order, which means: Life is Strange. The Committee considered advice from the Examiner of Statutory Rules. Caused by: Not interacting with, or losing to, the claw game in the gas station store. The author values storytelling because a story-teller has the power to. Life is Strange: Before the Storm takes place in 2010, four years before the events in Life is Strange, and puts the player in control of Chloe Price, who is close friends with Amber Price at that time. If Daniel shares a bad memory at the campfire, he's only sad about leaving Chris all alone. All other options are approached with either slight disappointment or some distance, but won't lead to any actual repercussions. Daniel grows up in Mexico, using his powers to commit crimes and keep surviving on his own. Sean either starts to believe from now on or continues to have faith. He will see multiple articles about the Seattle shooting. Asking Daniel to do it is not required to escape. Caused by: Sean asking Daniel to kill the officers and Daniel having Low Morality or High Morality and High Brotherhood. The associated consequences will often be revealed later on in the same or in subsequent episodes. Sean listened to Cassidy's full song at the Christmas Market in Episode 2. Nicholas will bring Sean into the church. At the outset, brothers Sean and Daniel are forced into a life on the road after their father is killed and they're blamed. Some choices aren't tracked in the choices screen, but there are still consequences for those actions. If Sean looks at the photo, he will comment it feels weird to be living in their house. Caused by: Daniel having High Morality and High Brotherhood. Daniel will mention how the berries messed up his stomach upon arriving at the Bear Station. Daniel is confused and asks what's the point of having the power, to which Sean can't find an answer. If Sean is not able to talk with Lyla and lies to her mom, Lyla's Facebook page will be supportive about mental health. Sean will lament to Brody later that he didn't get the chance to hug his dad the last time he saw him. After Daniel wakes up with a nightmare about his dad, Sean will easily be able to comfort him and get him to go back to sleep. This will allow you to keep Cassidy as a romantic interest as Finn will not approach Sean when they come back to camp. Sean climbs out the window onto the construction scaffolding, then carefully gathering his things from the staff room without waking the guard in the hallway, and escapes the hospital unnoticed. Caused by: Sean not helping Daniel over the log in the forest. Claire will note that the police accused Sean and Daniel of assault and robbery in addition to murder. This leads him to lose control of his power and injure the 3-5 other people in the room. or "Fuck Puerto Lobos!". Daniel will throw the police car out of Chris' path. Chris is hit by a Police car if Daniel didn't tell him the truth earlier. The brothers will run off, and Chris's fate is unknown until much later. Don't intervene when Daniel tries to kill the cougar. Cassidy announces she is willing to see Sean again. Contributes to getting closer to Cassidy, especially if Sean tells her it's people like her who give him inspiration. Leave the room - you get a task from Claire to make the laundry. The sequel, originally released back in 2018, marks developer Dontnod Entertainment's. Choose to protect Daniel's secret instead of being honest with Chris. Chris still thinks he has powers and tries to stop the police car from hitting Daniel and Sean, but Daniel saves him at the last minute. Say the power is pretty cool after catching Daniel with Chris. The brothers talk to each other for a while, then we move the next morning. Sean is able to steal one item without getting Daniel involved (including the Chock-O-Crisp). Sean might reference his relationship with Finn to Jacob when talking in Lisbeth's office. When these events are triggered, a wolf icon will be shown indicating that the player has made a meaningful choice, but they will seem to have no meaningful consequences or be tracked on the statistics screen at the end of the episode. Sean apologizes about forgetting to use the soap and allows Daniel to use it himself. Caused by: Waking Big Joe up without properly wrecking his vehicle(s). Concede to Daniel when he saves Chris at the treehouse. Sean can take advantage of lying to Cassidy and kiss her in the lake. Choose to protect Daniel's secret instead of being honest with Chris. Karen is more warm and supportive towards the brothers and their goal. (such as gaining power with the wielder, and no other weapon does that. Life is Strange 2 Game Guide by During the final confrontation, Sean will apologize he took Daniel for granted and put him in danger. -, Daniel used his power to save Chris from the car. If Sean surrenders at the border and Daniel refuses, he will look indifferent and say that nothing can stop the Wolf Brothers, before ramming ahead. When Daniel lashes out at the motel, he won't be as angry if Sean says the shooting was an accident and he was scared. Caused by: Sean giving up on finding Daniel after calling for him three times. Sean scolds the boys (mainly Daniel) for using the power out in the open, saying it's dangerous, to which Daniel responds with guilt. Sean stood up for Daniel after the latter hit Big Joe. He will see conspiracy theories surrounding the brothers. Sean tells Daniel he should never resort to using his power in crisis. Cassidy will be seen unconscious in Merrill's destroyed living room during the ending sequence. The Celtics never got closer than 9 in the second half and while "blown leads PTSD" creeped all night long in truth it was "relatively" easy. When Lisbeth asks about his faith, Sean has to respond. Sean will be more optimistic while looking around Haven Point before seeing Daniel, since he has faith. Sean will not be able to talk to Charles about his drinking problem. Daniel can talk about Mushroom being in heaven with Claire's deceased dog in a background conversation. Sean will ask Daniel to crush the officers. Cassidy will storm out in anger once Sean agrees to join the heist, which has different outcomes depending on Big Joe's status. If Daniel shares a bad memory at the campfire, he mentions Chris' accident. Finn tells Daniel to explain how it's done. Daniel will give Sean a drawing he made right after. Daniel won't tell Chris he has a chibi Power Bear. Sean asks Daniel to lower the TV volume at the motel, to which Daniel complies. Cassidy will be injured in the final confrontation with Merrill by Daniel's power. - 18%, The cop chased you and Chris was hit by a car. . This guarantees to increase the likelihood that Sean will refer to Doris as "okay, almost nice" in his sketchbook. If Sean steals the donated yo-yo, he can compensate by replacing it with one of the handmade items. When Claire leaves to run errands, she will recognize Sean has done chores and say he's free to keep tidying up. He might not listen to Sean when asked to tidy the room or tell the truth to Chris. If Sean didn't call Lyla, there will be many comments posted on her wall wishing Lyla well. Without the impact of any danger to Chris, Daniel's only lament is Chris' sadness after finding out he doesn't have the power. Sean says nothing is certain at the moment, upsetting Daniel more. Sean and Daniel are not able to bury Mushroom's body, but they will still make her a grave. Sean can choose to accept or refuse Mushroom when first encountering her in Bear Station. Daniel will not enjoy his Christmas present(s). Indignant at life's capacity to . Daniel is happy and Sean can keep the treasure as one of his souvenirs. If Sean decides to draw, his drawing will look rough and messy. If Finn is alive and hasn't fallen out with Sean, then he might join him in the. Daniel is uncertain of what to do, while Sean says he's proud of Daniel for how much he learned. 172. If Daniel agrees to tidy the room, don't say anything when he uses his power to do it. -, You chose to pull Stephen out together and injured his leg. If Sean tells Daniel to have faith in himself, Daniel will remind Sean he said Heaven and God existed. He can read two blog posts that anonymously mention Sean and Daniel and wish them well. If Karen witnessed one of the brothers killing Lisbeth, she sadly remarks how sometimes you have to make hard decisions for your safety. Finn will appear on a photograph sent to Daniel in the Parting Ways ending, if Finn was romanced and Sean didn't tell Agent Flores that the heist was Finn's idea. Jacob finally accepts and is very grateful to Sean. This will guarantee Daniel steals a toy from Brody (This statistically contributes 3 points necessary for Daniel to steal) regardless of your past choices that contribute towards it. Daniel can talk about Mushroom being in heaven with Claire's deceased dog in a background conversation. E-Book Overview. The group will head inside the hothouse without any quarrels. If Daniel used his powers to stop the police car, Chris will look disappointed and Daniel will feel bad for lying to him. Leg in his sketchbook can make his own version n't lead to actual! Room - you get a task from Claire to make hard decisions for your safety was wrong? `` because! To Charles about his drinking problem Sean uses the found key to open the to. 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life is strange 2 remind the rules or concede