san francisco zen center scandal

[10], In 1970, Suzuki gave Dharma transmission to Richard Baker, his only American Dharma Heir and chosen successor at SFZC. Learn and Practice at San Francisco Zen Center, residential guest student practice opportunities, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility, Conflict, Complaint, and Ethical Review Processes. Perhaps tellingly, Baker made this claim at the height of the Vietnam War, when virtually 100% of Zen followers were opposed to the war and hence having an anti-war/anti -government roshi in his lineage was good currency. Green Gulch An organic farm and garden in a beautiful coastal valley in Marin County Tassajara A monastery and retreat center in a remote mountain valley in the Ventana Wilderness Learn and Practice at San Francisco Zen Center SFZC Online At first, I had trouble with Downing's refusal to bend to the dictates of chronology and a quirky writing style that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. Berkeley, March 17th, 2002. Supporting tools to make this narrative seem real and unconstructed include the particular methods of meditation and interactions between teacher and student as well as an abundance of validating mythologies most often presented as history in the form of biography, along with accommodating literary and ritual devices. [32], These revelations led Baker to resign as abbot in 1984. Political authority can function in this second way. Michel Foucault in "The Means of Correct Training" in Discipline and Punish, Trans. Baker then quotes Trudy Dixon, the editor of the book, thus endorsing her words: Zen Center businesses embodied other Bay Area delights. Baker's use of Dixon's words begins the description of Suzuki Roshi, with the strange phrasing "a roshi is" This substitutes what is supposed to be a description of their close and beloved teacher Suzuki Roshi, a real person, with an abstraction, "a roshi." Baker's introduction to Suzuki's edited words in the well known book, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind gives a description of Suzuki as the ideal of a fully realized Zen master. You wont find anybody within the Zen Studies Society who has tolerated this stuff from start to finish, Schnyer said. Read any of these texts of Zen, The Book of Serenity, a Soto sect koan collection, being one prominent example, and this will be abundantly clear. Tassajara baked bread for student and guest consumption since 1967, and Edward Espe Brown's Tassajara Bread Book, demonstrated consumer interest. Used with permission. They have shown us clearly that much of what has been presented by the tradition as "history," is really a myth created with two purposes. But it always seemed as though the real story and the real scandal were about something else. In the last few decades as opposed to the past, we have had a clear personal view of the actual people involved, Richard Baker being only one. But Shimano is hardly alone; his is not an isolated case. Baker's case took place within a certain context, and to understand what happened it is helpful to look not only at Baker, but also at Zen institutional self-definitions and the patterns of social life they have engendered in the United States. Below is the information about san francisco zen center scandal . Stay connected. The virgin birth, the Buddha, Joseph Smiths golden plates that became the Book of Mormonto build spiritual tradition, it does not matter if the people were real or if the events happened. I think this happened because Zen's teaching to avoid words and explanation was taken too literally and has fostered an unfortunate narrowing of perspective. An organic farm and garden in a beautiful coastal valley in Marin County, A monastery and retreat center in a remote mountain valley in the Ventana Wilderness. Also see his forthcoming book on early Chan texts for a unique dissection of early lineage claims and their supporting texts . While leader of the SFZC, Baker's purchase of a new white BMW became a focal point for much of the anger and resentments that Zen Center members felt towards him. [31] The community's sense of crisis sharpened when the woman's husband, one of SFZC's primary benefactors, threatened to hold the organization legally responsible for its abbot's apparent misconduct. 1969 - Suzuki was asked to resign as priest at Sokoji by the temple's board of directors because he was spending more time with his Western students than the Japanese-American congregation. I approached it with a searching spirituality aspect, reading Huxley and Timothy Leary, and that leads you down the road to the Beat generation and Zen. So it is natural to ask, why did Suzuki's and Baker's students mention this so often? The Zen understanding of wisdom imputes Foucault's "single gaze to see everything constantly" to the Master. "The Apocalypse," as they came to call it, took place in 1983 at a Peace Conference at Tassajara, a retreat center that was the first Buddhist monastery founded outside Asia. Not only is the book a compelling read; it also, more importantly perhaps, provides raw data for observing Zen mythmaking in action. Its waves of people who say, Im done with this, I got what I can out of it and then a new group comes in.. That's what we made of it." I said, I have to come back here. So I did one more semester of school and then dropped out. In 1987 SFZC started the Zen Hospice Project, a volunteer hospice program run out of a guest house on Page Street with five residential beds. He was 67 years old. A senior member relates in Downing's book that Suzuki himself refused to hear criticism of Baker by other members of the Center because, as he said, " To his [Suzuki's] way of thinking, Dick's commitment was at another level, so the rest of us were not in a position to criticize him." Michael Downing's book, Shoes Outside the Door: Desire, Devotion, and Excess at San Francisco Zen Center (2001) describes much of the sexual scandal surrounding Richard Baker, as well as financial problems and Baker's generally arrogant behavior. My view of Zen as an institution, some of its problems, and how it operates is most completely expressed in my paper, "Means of Authorization: Establishing Hierarchy in Zen Buddhism in America", delivered as part of a panel on Chan at the American Academy of Religion Conference in Boston in 1999. In the past we had a lot of crisesin San Francisco and Los Angeleswith sex scandals and so forth. [21][22][23] Today SFZC is the largest Soto organization with a foothold in the West. The experience of legitimacy, realness and of being believable hides the underlying power relations. Suzuki-roshi, as his students called him, died of cancer in 1971. Zen elevates its leaders to super-human status, then emphasizes that we should be obedient and subservient to a powerful and supremely accomplished authority figure, precisely because he is powerful and supremely accomplished. Suzuki's prestige grew enormously. But for Schnyer this constantly refreshing membership was proof that the sangha did disapprove of Shimanos treatment of women. Their sins are far worse than what goes on in Zen circles. This is not to imply that there is no value to be gained in the practice of Zen. This imputation of power and attainment has given one Zen roshi after another the power to abuse their position while remaining beyond reproach. Some of the most senior members appeared afraid to raise difficult questions with Baker perhaps for fear of losing their own privileged positions. This was because Aitkin, being a foreigner, was forbidden by the new leader Kubota Roshi, from giving Dharma transmission, while Japanese of equal standing in the organization were permitted this privilege (p.451). It all came tumbling down in a 1983 event known in Zen Center circles as "the Apocalypse." There was an article and follow up piece by Brian Victoria discussing anti-Semitic remarks made by Yasutani roshi in Tricycle magazine (Fall and Winter 1999). I welcome any comments from the reader. The new president, Sylvan Busch, did not open his mouth to show any disapproval of Mr. and Mrs. Shimanos activities. And then there was Schnyer, the youngest board member, who, according to Zournas, defended Shimano by reportedly saying, He hasnt raped anyone yet, has he?. In Downing's book we see that much illusion, suffering and pain has been part of Zen in San Francisco, a situation that, unfortunately, has been repeated in most every other part of America over a thirty-five year period. One member suggested that the Shimanos instead be given an extended sabbatical. [6] Baker was instrumental in orchestrating the acquisition of Tassajara, raising $150,000 for the purchase in a short period of time. I finally asked Schnyer if he had said what Zournas attributed to him: He hasnt raped anyone yet, has he? Yet Baker certainly knew that, at best, few if any roshi are so fully realized. In the 1960s, four major Zen teachers came to the United States from Japan: Shunryu Suzuki, Taizan Maezumi, Joshu Sasaki, and Eido Shimano. Importantly, the head of every Soto temple must have Dharma transmission. Ask Kelly S about San Francisco Zen Center. As long as it was understood that Baker was the only Dharma heir of Suzuki, it was exceedingly difficult for any one to question Baker's behavior and style. Great Experience with Western Zen Practice. A pioneer of gourmet vegetarian cuisine in America, the restaurant's first chefs were Edward Espe Brown and Deborah Madison. While jogging through Golden Gate Park, Anderson deviated from the path to urinate in some bushes. San Francisco from the 1960's into the 1980's was considered by many to be the freest city in America, especially when understanding "libre" as freedom from ideological constraints. You have to ask whether Suzuki was aware of the claims made by Baker and, if so, why he permitted them to stand without correction. Mark Oppenheimer hosts the podcast Unorthodox for Tablet magazine and writes for The New York Times Magazine, Mother Jones, and GQ, among other publications. According to a 1982 letter from George Zournas to Jack Clareman, the Zen Studies Societys lawyer, a litany of charges was read against Shimano at a board meeting on September 14 of that year. Zen Center Members The latter choice was too painful for many for any number of reasons, including: 1) many believed that the Center was the best place to practice Zen and so leaving meant giving up what made life seem most meaningful, 2) their self-identities as Zen practitioners were connected to the Center, 3) loyalty to Suzuki Roshi, 4) leaving close friendships established through communal living and especially through practicing meditation together, 5) loving the lifestyle and 6) fear of losing one's position in the hierarchy and the possibility for future higher positions culminating in being Dharma transmitted oneself. Eighteen years later, there is still lingering bitterness about his overthrow. Guests are . Richard Baker was born in Biddeford, Maine, on March 30, 1936, the son of Harold Baker and Elisabeth Dudley. I dont know, he said. "It was a fantastic drive," he said, it was safe to drive and that he liked to keep his legs in zazen posture. If Suzuki was California's Zen messiah, then Richard Baker was his Apostle Paul. SteveSiesta. Baker was a charismatic leader, brilliant lecturer and dedicated Buddhist. For a view from the political perspective that has application in the religious arena see Edwards, David, "A Chest of Tools for Intellectual Self-Defense" in Burning All Illusions, South End Press, pp.177-224. "Something above ninety percent of us had come from alcoholic families or families that were dysfunctional with the same patterns." According to revelations that have tumbled out over the past two years, and which I chronicle in-depth in a new e-book, Shimano has spent 50 years preying sexually on his students. I don't know for certain but Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind was published in 1970, only one year before Baker himself received Dharma transmission and the title, Zen master. So why did none of Baker's students, as expressed in their interviews with Downing, show any awareness that institutional self-definition encouraged their idealization of Baker, which allowed, perhaps even fostered, the occurrence of many of the alleged abuses? This group is by far the largest Zen group in France and is active in the U.S.A. as well as in other parts of Europe. How bad was Shimanos womanizing? I asked Schnyer. Suzuki planned to give transmission to Bill Kwong but died before his completion. But in the end it is not the extraordinariness of the teacher that perplexes, intrigues, and deepens the student, it is the teacher's utter ordinariness. In fact, Suzuki's lineage, now and as long as the line survives, comes through his son Hoitsu and Baker and that unknown person. Richard Baker is a man who through the ritual of Dharma transmission has been installed in the Soto Zen sect's "authentic" unbroken lineage going back to the historical Buddha. Foulk doubts that the Chan sect existed as a separate sect with its own monastic institutions during the Tang dynasty. Baker also claimed that he was trying "to protect Suzuki Roshi's legacy and lineage." The bakery supplied Greens Restaurant and some local grocers.[16]. However, for an in depth review of early Chan monastic codes and how early Chan viewed and supposedly treated errant behavior by monks see Foulk, T. Griffith, "The "Ch'an School" and Its Place In the Buddhist Monastic Tradition," Diss. A vibrant community in an urban temple in the heart of San Francisco. Sokojifounded by Hosen Isobe in 1934had been housed in a former Jewish synagogue that is now Kokoro Assisted Living. Richard Baker is an extremely bright and talented person and a born salesman. He remained abbot there until 1984, the year he resigned his position after it was disclosed in the previous year that he and the wife of one of SFZC's benefactors had been having an ongoing affair. But in the 1960s and 70s, American Buddhists needed the foreigners. Institutional and personal motives played an important part in the composing of Buddhist biographical collections; this was especially so in earl Chan lineage texts. Therefore, in the need to remain at the Center, members had a powerful incentive to fully buy into Zen's mythology. But in truth, neither Suzuki nor Baker fit the saintly mold. Shoes Outside The Door, p.289. [1] Zen Hospice Project was the subject of the Netflix 2018 Academy Award-nominated[24] short documentary End Game,[25] about terminally ill patients in a San Francisco hospital as well as at the Zen Hospice Project house, featuring the work of palliative care physician BJ Miller and other palliative care clinicians. In Zen Buddhism, the story of Eido Shimanos abuse of power is so commonplace as to be banal, a clich. The Church hierarchy has displayed a consistent concern for protecting and maintaining the eminence of the abusive priests and the holiness of the institution of the Catholic Church, rather than concern for the children and teenagers trusted to their care. He found willing assenters, willing children eager to listen to his fairy tales. These recordings of zazen instruction feature a variety of teachers offering an introduction to meditation. For an analysis of the inherent power relations in the one-dimensional description of a roshi and how it is taken for being natural, see "Symbolic Violence and Social Reproduction" and "Uses of Language" in, Jenkins, Richard, Pierre Bourdieu, Routledge, 1992, pp.103-110 and pp.152-162 respectively. "[12] And Baker, for his part, is quoted as having said in a 1994 interview with Sugata Schneider: I don't think that the gossipy or official versions of what happened are right, but I feel definitely that if I were back in the situation again as the person I am now, it wouldn't have happened. Nevertheless, following extensive investigation, even Chadwick was forced to admit: "Anything Shunryu had done that could be considered remotely antiwar he had done before the Pacific war started" (p. 97). I finished high school early, and at 17 I went to college, Schnyer said. Downing quotes a prominent older student who expressed it differently, "Dick tried to take over Zen Center again." [2][6][14], A once controversial figure, Richard Baker was publicly criticized for his behavior at San Francisco Zen Center. ---Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human (1878) It means, "Don't ask. All the pieces don't start coming together until about halfway through the book, and it takes some patience to get there. He writes a religion column forThe New York Timesand is on Twitter@markopp1. Suzuki or any other Zen master only looks this way if we avoid looking at their real life. Most people think of Zen as being iconoclastic, anti-authoritarian, simple, direct, and unattached. This has a direct bearing on the Baker story and the way mythology continues to be constructed even in the present. It will not do for future generations if there are gaps in the line of saintly figures. Bibliographical Notes There he found the corpse of a man with a bullet wound to the head and a revolver nearby. Join the San Francisco Zen Center Membership Program. More than anyone else, Baker built the Zen Center empire in Northern California, including its San Francisco headquarters at Page and Laguna streets and the rustic Tassajara monastery and hot springs in the mountains east of Big Sur. He was leader of the largest Zen center in the United States and founder of Tassajara, the first Zen monastery in America; he sent a number of American disciples to study in Japan and was surrounded, as was Baker, by hundreds of devoted, unquestioning, often young and energetic followers. Understandably, Suzuki may not have been able to read across the Japanese-American cultural divide and therefore not see the character flaws of Baker that were obvious to some of his unenlightened American students. This ancient twisted karma I now fully avow. A gem! Examining the work of any of the above-mentioned scholars will greatly reward the interested reader who would like to explore contemporary Zen/Buddhist scholarship. They also have a lot of other awesome Saturday morning programs for zen noobs (znoobs!!). It is important to remember now that the interviews Downing conducted in 1998-2000 were long after the events at the SFZC took place. By saying this, he was emphasizing his guarantee that the essence of the Zen lineage resides in Baker. Baker claimed the Center was "denying 2,500 years of how Buddhism was developed and continued" He made a number of other historically inaccurate claims, and finally dropped the suit saying that he was pressured to institute the threat by a lawyer student of his: "There was a lawyer who kept bugging me." While traveling back to school after a vacation, he stopped with a friend at Dai Bosatsuthe Zen Studies Society's monastery in the Catskillsand was impressed immediately. ", Lachs, Stuart: It is noted that after 1983 the study of sutras, Zen texts and history was instituted. This 1987 incident has had a damaging impact on Anderson's reputation as a teacher, since his arrest received national media coverage. Zen priest Mel Weitsman served with Anderson as a co-abbot during the remainder of his term, and the tradition of two sitting Abbots continued for the next few decades. For a many sided view of the Zen koan see, The Koan, Ed. Was he hypocritical for reprimanding his students for flirting while he carried on numerous affairs with his female students, including one that ruptured his best friend's marriage? Yet for reasons known only to him he proceeded to make Baker his only American Dharma heir. [9] The building, designed by Julia Morgan, was built as the Emanu-el Residence Club in 1922 for the Emanu-el Sisterhood. This is one reason why we are looking at his case, to see how the system works, how it has always worked. On the corner of Page and Laguna Streets in San Francisco, diagonally across from San Francisco Zen Center, is a corner building with a series of murals that wrap around the boarded-over windows. To see how the most prominent Japanese Zen roshi as well as some of the roshi associated with bringing Zen to America, in spite of the rhetoric of the standard model of Zen, functioned in Japan from roughly 1911 through WWII, see Victoria, Brian, Zen At War , Weatherhill, 1997. He remained abbot there until 1984, the year he resigned his position after it was disclosed in the previous year that he and the wife of one of SFZC's benefactors had been having an ongoing affair. Baker wrote an introduction to Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, an edited collection of Suzuki's talks, in which Baker said (p.17), "During the Second World War he [Suzuki] was the leader of a pacifist group in Japan." Remember the senior student who quoted Suzuki as saying, " Dick's commitment is at another level, so the rest of us simply were not in a position to criticize him." We can begin to approach an answer by thinking about the nature of authority. It was not surprising, then, that when trouble arose at the Center it was mostly assumed that something must be wrong with the members themselves; that it was because they did not use or handle well Suzuki's pure teaching. In reality it means, "don't question, don't look!" The idea that Zen's emphasis on wisdom while only giving lip service to compassion in reality is then about power is an idea that I have just begun to examine. In the latter part of the book, Downing points out that the San Francisco Zen Center has beaucratized Dharma transmission so that in order to receive Dharma transmission a person must spend ten or twelve years going through the system. Desire, Devotion, and Excess at the San Francisco Zen Center. The teacher knew all; the American knew nothing. 2 Thank Kelly S . In fact, Kapleau never received Dharma transmission in the first place, so there was nothing to rescind. Without anything said or done, just the impact of meeting a personality so developed can be enough to change another's whole way of life. Anderson became entangled in an incident in 1987 that reached back to 1983 just after Zentatsu Richard Baker had resigned as abbot. One student stated it as, "The one thing that seemed unquestionable was Richard's Transmission." Also available are practice sessions with SF Zen Center teachers. The results of this in terms of the quality of his life are extraordinary-buoyancy, vigor, straightforwardness, simplicity, humility, security, joyousness, uncanny perspicacity and unfathomable compassion. Cole, who teaches at Lewis and Clark College, also has two very provocative books soon to be published, one on the Mahayana sutras and the other on early Chan texts and the "birth" of Chinese Buddhas. He was convincing not just because of his own facility with a story, but because he found Americans who were very receptive to that story. Anybody who traveled to Japan, as many American Buddhists would, quickly learned that every monastery there had its own variations on the traditionas with any other religious practice, there is no one true form. Explore San Francisco Zen Center's newsletters and blogs. In some ways, it was an obvious choice. [9], Although Baker claimed that his relationship with the woman was a love-affair which had not yet been consummated, the outcry surrounding the incident led to a series of accusations of impropriety on Baker's part, including the admissions by several female members of the community that they had had affairs with Baker before or during his tenure as abbot. Branching Streams is a network of affiliate Dharma centers and Sanghas in the Zen lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Why should we think that Suzuki chose Baker as his only American Dharma heir based on his level of "spiritual attainment?" These days, when we think of predatory clergy, we think of Roman Catholic priests. While this is obviously a general statement that demands further qualification, it serves to introduce some of the basic problems to be dealt with here. All trouble at the Center was internalized and personalized by its members. This happened almost 20 years ago and has been written about over the years by numerous insiders, outsiders and apologists of varying kinds. That little piece of paradise in the Marin County headlands is just a short drive from the north end of the Golden Gate Bridge, perfect for a quick retreat. The idea of the enlightened Zen master authenticated through the ritual of dharma transmission and maintained by an unbroken lineage going back to the historical Buddha is at the heart of the Zen tradition. I remember many heated arguments, he told me, and no doubt one of my many arguments was: this is personal behavior, not illegal behavior., Denis Kelly, a former Dai Bosatsu vice abbot, and himself no model of sexual continencehe too has had affairs, he told me, including one that almost broke up his current sanghashared Schnyers understanding of the proper hierarchical relationship between the Zen master and his female students. There is nothing in the description that allows someone in the future to distinguish Suzuki, Hoitsu or any of their heirs from any of thousands of hallowed ancestors. Hence, roughly 95% of all Soto priests in Japan have Dharma transmission, most receiving it after spending at most three years in a monastery, some with as little as six months. Kwong's transmission was later completed by Suzuki's son, Hoitsu.[1][11][12]. He does not sit zazen and only chants when he has a service to do for someone." David Hume said in his Of the First principles of Government (1758) that "Nothing appears more surprising to those who consider human affairs with a philosophical eye than the easiness with which the many are governed by the few, and the implicit submission with which men resign their own sentiments and passions to those of their rulers." A special note is given to the papers of Heine, Wright, Foulk, McRae, Welter, Schlutter, Michel Mohr and Ishii Shudo. Baker then moved to Crestone, Colorado and Germany to found other practice sites for Dharma Sangha. Having wisdom, in the Zen view, is based on Dharma transmission, which implies that the person is an enlightened being. Seeing Through Zen by by John R. McRae book reviews buy this book, Coming Down from the Zen Clouds: A Critique of the Current State of American Zen, Means of Authorization: Establishing Hierarchy in Ch'an/Zen Buddhism in America, The Zen Master in America: Dressing the Donkey with Bells and Scarves, Holding the Lotus to the Rock: reflections on the future of the Zen sangha in the West, Sanbkydan Zen and the Way of the New Religions, Finding Safe Harbor: Buddhist Sexual Ethics in America, Shoes Outside the Door: Desire, Devotion, and Excess at San Francisco Zen Center, Crooked Cucumber: The Life and Teachings of Shunryu Suzuki, Not Always So: practicing the true spirit of Zen by Shunryu Suzuki. It was not mentioned in the interviews that Suzuki himself might be partially responsible for the ensuing trouble. But how real is this history? One component of Buddhism is to recognize cause and effect. It is a sanitized description wherein any one roshi is replaceable by any other roshi, which is really no person at all. In the West in general, but particularly in America, we place great importance on each person's individuality and uniqueness and hence on our personal experience. The center received significant media coverage concerning the 1984 resignation of then abbot Zentatsu Richard Baker, who was ousted after it was alleged that he had been having an affair with the wife of a prominent Zen Center member. Under the Zen form of legitimization, each Zen roshi is viewed as a saint. After all, the only two previous Dharma transmissions Suzuki gave, to his son Hoitsu and to Unknown, were not based on attainment at all. In this way the teacher was like a deity, a minor god. Yet, I have found that within the Zen community there is little self-examination about Zen as an institution and its self-definitions and what the effects of these are in the world of flesh and blood people. But there is another kind of authority, an opposite kind, grounded in the invisible, the faith-based, the fictional. Zen Groups Distressed by Accusations Against Teacher Joshu Sasaki in New Mexico in 2007. You can see how much more potent it is to have a teacher presented as a living Buddha or at least Buddha-like, who, instead of simply interpreting and explaining the words of the Buddha, actually speaks with the same voice as the Buddha. [6] One student who followed him to his new community was the priest Philip Whalen (ordained by Baker as a priest in 1973), who became tanto (head monk) of the new center. It is a performance meant to confirm and display the current master's significance, authority and attainment. One of Shimanos greatest advantages has been that he is Japanese. Network of affiliated St Zen practice centers, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Timeline of Zen Buddhism in the United States, "Haiku Zendo - Stories of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi", "History of 300 Page Street | Sangha News - San Francisco Zen Center", "Stream It Or Skip It: 'End Game' On Netflix, A Short Documentary About Dying Gracefully", "How This Doctor Is Bringing Human Connection Back to End-of-Life Care", "Senior Dharma Teacher Tenshin Reb Anderson - San Francisco Zen Center", "The Long Learning Curve: An Interview With Richard Baker Roshi", Basic points unifying Theravda and Mahyna,, Buddhist monasteries in the United States, Buddhist organizations based in the United States, Religious organizations established in 1962, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2011, Articles with a promotional tone from September 2022, Articles with dead external links from March 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 17:00.

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san francisco zen center scandal