rejection after revise and resubmit

Do they agree that the changes are unnecessary? The reasons for a paper being rejected once it has been reviewed fall mainly into two categories: (1) problems with the research; and (2) problems with the writing/presentation of the paper. One substantive issue we found with it necessitated a complete change in their data. //--> Read between the lines. You should read all the instructions in that letter carefully. Note that whether one of On the subject of peer review within social science and humanities. I hear it all the time. Realize that you dont need them in your life. It is interesting to read of the journals who have moved away from Decline and Resubmit. . Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15(3), 519-543. WebWhen you resubmit, you're playing by new rules: Rule 1: You have just one opportunity to resubmit. In this step, the editor carefully evaluates all the comments by the peer-reviewers and examines the manuscript. The title of the revised article should remain the same as for the original article, except where suggested specifically by reviewers. The main reasons that papers can be rejected at this stage are: The manuscript does not fall within the Aims and Scope of the journal: The work is not of interest to the readers of the specific journal, The manuscript is incomplete: For example, the article contains observations but is not a full study or it discusses findings in relation to some of the work in the field but ignores other important work, A clear hypothesis or research aim was not established or the question behind the work is not of interest in the field, The goal of the research was over-ambitious, and hence it could not realistically be achieved. Reject and resubmit means the research article is rejected in its current form. If you put that work in, the agent may reconsider your manuscript, but under no circumstances does resubmission guarantee a yes. Vick, S. B. . They truly believe that it is their job to help authors publish good content. Below Ill list various types of rejections, the chance Ill resubmit the story after such a rejection, and then a short explanation of why. Not maybe what you want to hear but yes it can get rejected still and yes it can go to the same reviewers (or a mix of the same vs new). Should I resubmit a rejected manuscript to the same journal or to another journal? There is no guarantee that if you do what the referees ask for, your paper will be accepted. If authors Minor revision means that your paper accepted by about 70 % but not final acceptance until you fix further comments. I tried to get rid of it again last year but that didnt work.

rejection after revise and resubmit